Stella's Social Club

Nice to hear from you Kathy. I have given up on this thread but, I noticed you had posted. Had to pop in and say :frow Miss you and Dar. Gave up on Mary. Lost a 3 yrs. friend to Facebook last week, she hated the new BYC website so much. :(
Hey, Kathy! :frow

Anyone ever seen the UFO house on Signal Mtn in Tennessee? We used to pass by it every time we were traveling to our cabin-in-progress in Fentress County, TN from GA. Would love to have a coop like that. The closest we came was what I called the Firetower coop my husband made for me (since sold).
The house that Hwy 27 runs by as you go north in TN.

My Firetower coop


Maybe it's me, but every time there is a change on BYC, I quickly forget the old system. Maybe it's my brain, which cannot hold onto information I no longer need forever. Though, often, useless crap does perk to the surface and I'm like, "huh, how did I remember that?"
Hi Diva missed your post - nice to see you here :)

So my friend just told me that she will be home for 2 days, then off to Tucson for 2 weeks to visit her husband's son's dysfunctional family.

I'm thinking this will be the last winter the horses are here. :mad:
Thank goodness that you all are safe for another year.

So I am going to gripe a little. My good friends keeps her (4) horses here at my house. She left for Florida last weekend. Before she left she said, "I put the heater in the water trough".
So this am I went out. Had to put out a round bale, as the horses were out of hay. Tractor- snow- wind. And the water trough was empty (way too soon if she had filled it).
So I went back to the house, got the hose out (can't leave it out in freezing weather), and filled the trough. Then noticed it was leaking around the heater plug (at the bottom of the trough, now with 150 gallons of water in it). Because the plug was cross-threaded.
After removing my coat and plunging my arm onto the trough (25 degrees out now and windy), got the plug fixed. But... She had not actually brought an extension cord down and plugged the thing in. So, another trip back to the house. :mad:
And that is the reason I sold my horse 3 years ago.
Hi Diva missed your post - nice to see you here :)

So my friend just told me that she will be home for 2 days, then off to Tucson for 2 weeks to visit her husband's son's dysfunctional family.

I'm thinking this will be the last winter the horses are here. :mad:
Mary, are you just letting her keep them there for free or do you charge board? If she's going ot be away so much, you really should be getting paid.

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