Sterile Rooster

I have a New Hampshire rooster. He lives with 2 New Hampshire hens. They are really quality standard New Hampshires and I wanted to breed them. I tried 3 clutches, 2 under hens and one in an incubator. Nothing hatched and it seems that nothing was fertile. I had never heard of a rooster being sterile, but I guess that is possible. I will try again next spring or summer if I get a broody hen, but I doubt if things will change.

How old is the rooster? How old are the hens? Are they currently housed together - if so, collect several eggs (over the course of multiple days) and crack them open - take photos and post them so that we can see the germinal disc (white dot that appears on each egg yolk - appearance is altered when fertile). Of the eggs that were incubated previously, did you candle at any point or simply wait to see if they hatched at 21 days? Did you eggtopsy any of the unhatched eggs and, if so, what was seen?

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