Stiching chickens


Nov 16, 2020
Bethel, Maine
Years ago I found that 1 of my Buff Orpingtons had about a 3 to 4 inch cut on its belly, intestines were even showing :( I have no idea how it happened. I didn't want to kill the bird so I had my devoted assistant Chelsie help me. We brought the bird in the house. I had her hold it while I got needle, thread, rubbing alcohol, and spray disinfectant. Chelsie held the bird upside down by the legs. I poured rubbing alcohol on and in the wound and pushed the intestines back in. I then sewed up the wound with needle and thread and sprayed it with that purple disinfectant. Who would have guessed, that chicken not only survived but healed completely and gave us eggs for a couple more years. The same thing happened to another one without it being so deep to expose the intestines, but it was no problem, we already knew what to do :)
for smaller cuts you can use super glue. obviously clean the area well and it has to be the liquid because theres weird stuff in the gel kind, and then only dab a dot of it, dont seal up the cut, just enough to hold it back together (to mimic the spaces in stitches that are very important for drainage). I hope I never have to sew up any animal because I'm afraid I wouldn't have the guts to do it, but its great to know you did it so easily!
for smaller cuts you can use super glue. obviously clean the area well and it has to be the liquid because theres weird stuff in the gel kind, and then only dab a dot of it, dont seal up the cut, just enough to hold it back together (to mimic the spaces in stitches that are very important for drainage). I hope I never have to sew up any animal because I'm afraid I wouldn't have the guts to do it, but its great to know you did it so easily!
I use the superglue on myself...

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