Sticky Chick!!!!

I have an assisted hatch 24 hour old turkey who is exhibiting similar behavior. He was not sticky, but his left side seems weaker and he topples. I have him in a coffee cup in the brooder and am providing vitamin water.
They often roll back on their back when just hatched. If he is still doing that twelve hours later, then I would be a bit concerned. If he is sticky all over and needs washing, I have found you can remove him quickly from the incubator for that IF the other eggs are only pipped. If they started zipping I would not open the incubator. Also, only if your humidity is up there in the 65 or 70 range.

Regarding sticky chicks, I think I have read it could be a lethal gene.
A sticky chick lethal gene? I've never heard of that but it would make sense as to why you may have 1 sticky in a whole batch of good hatches. That's kinda scary to think about but I would be interested to know more.

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