Sticky/partially fused eyelid on quail


May 23, 2024
Hello! The other week I bought some new POL quail to add to my small flock.
On the journey home, 'Grump' took a mean bump to the eye as we traversed the country roads. It was swollen shut for a few days, however the eyelids could be fully separated. No blood, pus or crust, and several times I gently cleaned it with warm lightly salted water just in case. After a few days she seemed much better so I left her alone, only monitoring from afar.

I noticed today that her eyelids appear to be partially fused in the center now, giving the impression that she has two smaller eyes instead of one. Again, I can't see anything that would suggest infection or injury. With my husband's help I tried to gently pry the eyelids apart but the skin seems to have fused and so I can't fully pull them apart.

Grump has been eating and drinking just fine, and she gets on well.with the other POLs and young roo so I'm not concerned. There's no sign of weeping or obvious. She doesn't like people and, as her name might suggest, she doesn't like to be handled so I try to do it as little as possible.

My main question about this is if she's otherwise well, is it better to just leave the eye be? Having it partially stuck like this shouldn't ultimately cause any issues, should it? Obviously I'll be monitoring her regularly.

Thank you!


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