STILL broody

Auntie Moose

5 Years
Jun 27, 2016
My about 12 month old BO hen is STILL broody. I've tried everything, but she's even blocking the other two hens from the box. I've thrown her out repeatedly, and utilized the chicken jail (cage), and nothing has worked. I checked for a stuck egg--nothing. Checked for parasites--nothing. She and one of the other girls have both pecked off feathers from each other and themselves, but I think it's a dominance thing. She was laying fine, an egg a day since February, and now has not produced an egg in over 2 weeks. She will go out to free range, take a dirt bath, eat scratch from my hand and is generally happy. So what do I do now?
I hate leaving her outside in the cage at night! The other girls were all crowded around the door, waiting for her to come to go to bed. :barnie
As M/chick says, the "jail" needs to allow air to circulate. I personally do not advocate putting broodies in quiet, dark places, but I put them where there is as much action as possible.

I'd say its gonna be a case of tough love. Repeat and keep her in jail until you break her. You could, of course keep her in a crate, in the coop (if that's feasible).
As M/chick says, the "jail" needs to allow air to circulate. I personally do not advocate putting broodies in quiet, dark places, but I put them where there is as much action as possible.

I'd say its gonna be a case of tough love. Repeat and keep her in jail until you break her. You could, of course keep her in a crate, in the coop (if that's feasible).

The cage is wire and blocked up off the ground. I am getting conflicting advice about whether to keep her near the coop (coop too small for the cage) and the action or to keep her inside away from the others. I'm leaning towards keeping her near the coop, so the others can see her. They seem to like to come check her out. Maybe they are pointing and laughing, for all I know!
The cage is wire and blocked up off the ground. I am getting conflicting advice about whether to keep her near the coop (coop too small for the cage) and the action or to keep her inside away from the others. I'm leaning towards keeping her near the coop, so the others can see her. They seem to like to come check her out. Maybe they are pointing and laughing, for all I know!
There's no right or wrong - do what you feel is best

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