Still no eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
Vashon Island
My Wyandotte and Araucana/Americana have yet to lay-I think. I have three other chickens all different breeds that seem to laying fine. They are all over six months old. Is it typical for these breeds to lay late?
I've got a buff orpington and an EE that are 6 mo old and still not laying either. Its very frustrating. If it wasn't for the fact they aren't crowing, I'd be wondering if they were roosters
I'm trying to be patient, but its so hard!
My wyandottes started by 6 months, but I have two EE's and two Australorps that I'm still waiting on. I think that while some breeds tend to start earlier and some later every pullet is just different and they'll start when they feel darn good and ready. Are their combs and wattles red and developed like your known layers? Any possibility that they could be hiding a nest or two?
Their combs are very red and they are big chickens. I check around to see if they are hiding them but I don't think so. Do you think they would eat them immediately after laying and I would see no trace?
It's possible, but I wouldn't think it likely that you'd have two pullets that turned into egg eaters before you even got an egg from them. If they free range you might try locking them in for a few days to see if they're laying, or they could just be late bloomers and you'll see some eggs from them soon.

Hope you see some eggs from them soon!
I have a wyandotte and an EE that haven't started laying yet. They were both born at the end of April, they're also approx. 6 months old.

My EE just started squatting a couple days ago, so I'm expecting her to start laying pretty soon!

Have your non-layers started squatting yet? If so, you should expect eggs within at least a couple weeks. My other 3 pullets, who are laying, began squatting approximately couple weeks before their first egg.

Lucky you - living on VI!
Araucana/Americana can take a bit longer to lay

The amount of light they get can change this too..

i dont know where you are but its getting dark here earlier and earlier but iam far from an expert i am still a new egg
I have 5 RIR and 6 BR and not one of the 23 wk old girls are laying a thing. I went out yesterday and completely cleaned the coop from top to bottom (very gross). They've got 5 nesting boxes which I keep clean and they are very big. I read someones thread in this catagory and there was some helppful advice regarding increasing some protein in their diet and maybe adding oyster shells. Right now we just do layer and corn (which I toss out to them but doesnt seem to be their favorite) They get lots of snacks like fruits veggies and oatmeal.
Other posters I have read seem to have eggs before this age with this breed.
Do they require an absolute 14 hours of daylight? We are getting down to 11 to 12 hours right now. Should I be concerned that this is whats prolonging the eggs? Should I run a light out to the coop now?
I too could use some suggestions. I want to correct the problem if there is something I ought to be doing now or shouldnt be doing.
It starts getting dark here around 6:30 pm and light around 7:00 am. I have a light in the coop that goes on at 6:00 am so they are getting at least 12 hours of light a day. I am not so sure how this light thing should work. Should I adjust the light to keep them at 12 hours a light a day? I often open up their coop door in the morning when it is still dark out but the light is on in the coop, so they can come and go into their enclosed run. I wonder if the light and dark thing confuses them.
So many worries.....

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