Still No Eggs!

I have 4 BA's and 1 EE all just over 21 weeks. Two are red faced, and have great combs and wattles. One of the 'less red faced' hens is singing the egg song every couple of days, but no eggs and no squatting! Aargh! I am just dying with anticipation. WHEN WHEN WHEN! I guess I should take my own advice that I give my 5 yr. old. "Just be patient. I know it's hard to wait, but be patient." Wow, does that advice stink when I have to give it to myself!
One of my EE's waited until this past week to give up her first egg..... she is 28 wks old so give it a bit more time.
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I came home from work today, and my son showed me our FIRST Egg from our Favoralles

they are about 19-20 weeks old... I hope the other 4 start soon !!!

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