Still not good at this. Hens or Cockerels?


8 Years
Oct 13, 2013
Monticello, Ky
I'm still not confident enough to determine myself. There is 7 to determine. My guess is 2 cockerels and 5 hens. I am questionable about one. I think it could be a Roo also. These are all barnyard mixes. They were all hatched at the same time.

So far vote #2, #4 are boys and #6 possible boy, little more pink comb than I like to see. Do they all have single combs?
They should the mixes was of RIR, Brown Leghorn, White leghorn, Buff Brahma, and Golden stars, Red Stars, Production Red's whatever you would like to call them. The one's you pointed out was the exact one's I was thinking. Oh and I forgot there was one EE roo in there but he hardly ever got any of the hens. He is the one in the pic below.
I think they're too young to be positive. With leghorn blood, you have females getting larger combs earlier, and with pea combs you'll have males that don't show as early. Wait a few more weeks when everyone's fully feathered and post again.
I think they're too young to be positive. With leghorn blood, you have females getting larger combs earlier, and with pea combs you'll have males that don't show as early. Wait a few more weeks when everyone's fully feathered and post again.
#1: Probably pullet
#2: Cockerel
#3: Looks like a pullet
#4: Cockerel
#5: Pullet
#6: Likely cockerel
#7: Not sure. My guess would be pullet.

Post some more photos in a few weeks. By then, it should be easier to tell the gender.

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