Still wondering about this EE...need expert advice


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
I thought I was pretty good at sexing everyone elses birds, but I can't even guess my own!
This easter egger is about 5 weeks old now and really worrying me. Supposed to be a pullet, and it has pullet coloring, but looks a little patchy in some areas to me. The comb is also worrying me, some days it will be a very light shade of pink and others very red. Seems like the more active she is the redder it gets, I guess blood flow. Its pretty red in these pictures. Anyone have any ideas??? It really has me puzzled.
Keep an eye on those neck feathers, usually a female will always have rounded as where a male ends up having pointier neck feathers.
I guess I'll just have to wait a few more weeks and see how she changes. Its so hard to wait though! lol. Hope she ends up being a pullet.

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