Still young but any ideas of what these guys are?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2015
Huntington Beach, CA
These guys are about 2 weeks old.they were hatched in the classroom next door so I have no idea what breed they are? I'm hoping for hens!!!:thumbsup[VIDEO]



Just a guess, but the white ones with the black spot might be production whites which are a leghorn hybrid. The one with the spon on it's head could be a barred rock and the all black one is most l
These guys are about 2 weeks old.they were hatched in the classroom next door so I have no idea what breed they are? I'm hoping for hens!!!
Just a guess, but the white ones with the black spot might be production whites which are a leghorn hybrid. The one with the spot on it's head could be a barred rock or black australorp but it's hard to tell
This one looks like an easter egger
Chances are, they are all barnyard mixes, which are also affectionately called mutts. Unless you have sex links or a breed that has a natural difference it is very hard to tell the gender at this age.
If you can raise them until they feather out it will be easier to figure it all out. Although some chickens have you guessing till they lay an egg or crow. Good luck!
These guys are about 2 weeks old.they were hatched in the classroom next door so I have no idea what breed they are? I'm hoping for hens!!!
California white for the white ones. Leghorn breed
One with spot on head would be a barred rock or dominique. Most likely a barred rock. Black Australorp do not have a spot on top of the head.
to hard to tell on this one yet.
These guys are about 2 weeks old.they were hatched in the classroom next door so I have no idea what breed they are? I'm hoping for hens!!!
The white ones are probably Austrawhites or other leghorn hybrids.
Barred Rock
Might be a Black Wyandotte.

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