stinky barn


12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
near ottawa ontario
Well i dont understand this. I clean out one big stale. Because i have a cement floor. When i got really cold out i start to put down more straw. Well know it is warmer and i decided it was time to clean out one large stall. Well i tell ya. It took me 3 hours by hand and my husband dumping the wagon by hand. It was about a foot or more deep and stinky. You couldnt smell any thing in the barn before. Now since i cleaned out on large stall. The barn really stinks. I dont know why. It should of smell fresher.
..Why is this?and know when i walk to the barn that is all i smell comeing from the pile. Is there something i can put on it to stop this. THis is one thing i cant take. I will NEVER NEVER go that deep again. after this i am changing to shavings...But the waste of hay
..Makes me so mad. It goes on the floor. Next thing you know it is being use for bedding. Does it ever pile up in no time. I love my goats. But man this takes it . Sorry i hate to let it out.
Yes, that is how the deep litter method works

All that stinkin' has been going on all along, in the lower levels of the bedding. But the smell stayed there. When you disturb it, though, e.g. by shovelling it all out, yes it sure do stench somethin' fierce

Main solution is ventilate the heck out of the barn - big time; if you can't wait for that you can get some Sweet PDZ or your other favorite stall powder of choice and lay that down under any new bedding, right on the concrete. The odor also lingers worst in damp weather so if you are having a damp spell that is probably half the problem.

Good luck, have fun,

You say the smell is coming from the pile. Did you put the stuff from the pen in the barn? Then the barn will smell. The recommendation for that is move the pile outside.

If you mean the pen, barn lime will work on the smell and help keep the floor from being slippery.
Goats do waste a lot of hay. Do you have some kind of hay rack to feed from? That will help some.
The smell could also be because it's getting warmer. PDZ is a good product.
To make stalls easier to clean you could put stall mats down. I give my goats pallets to sleep on, to keep them up off of the cold floor. It's also easier to clean if the floor of the stall is covered in pallets. The hay doesn't get to the ground to rot and can be raked off of the pallets. I keep a stall mat under their hay rack and rake up the wasted hay and put it on top of the pallets.
Spring, at least up north, is a muddy stinky mess until it starts drying out.
SKYESROCKET do you have a picture of this set up?. PLease remember here in canada the winter are really cold.

,,,,yes i have hay feeders
,,,The pile isnt in the barn.
DE is also good for keeping the smell down. I'm thinking you could sprinkle a little on the hay (on the floor) each day and it would work down thru the stuff. I know it helps keep the smell down here and cuts back on the amount of flies in the summer....
The only time the goat shed smells is when I'm mucking it out. First I sprinkle DE on the floor then put stall pellets down and then cover with my goats wasted hay. I've never had problems with smell since I started using stall pellets and I have a lot less waste going to the compost pile. I keep piling on the wasted hay and then I muck out the shed every 2-4 weeks depending on how dirty it is.
I am one of the few people that do not use any kind of bedding. I do not think that it is good for them to be standing in there waste and any given time. They also have 24/7 come and go into the barn.
If it is warm enough you can wash the floor. I do this once a week when it gets warm out.
I use DR. Bronner's Magic Soap 18-1 Peppermint Castile Soap.
A 32oz bottles $11.00 and a little goes a long way.
Or Method floor care.
Sorry, no pictures. I'll try to get some. I just use the big heavy pallets and take some apart to fill in the open spaces of the other ones.
My goats pens are inside of the barn with an opening for them to go outside. About 50% of the pen is covered with pallets...I put them along the inside walls and square the area off so they have plenty of room to sleep on them. The open floor area has stall mats...and my newest find...the rubber mats from the back of old pickup trucks. The junk yard gives them to me if I pull them out.
I have dirt floors. The air circulates underneath the pallets and the floor doesn't get so wet and gunky.
I keep the wasted hay raked up off the floor. The dry stuff I put on the pallets for bedding.
No matter how you do it, you will have a smell during the spring thaws. You have concrete, so it shouldn't be as bad. It's just the rotting hay mixed with urine. Once everything dries up the smell will drop a lot.
I'm in NE Ohio near Lake Erie and it gets cold here too with that cold Canadian air coming across the lake.
I tried the deep litter method and it was too big of a job raking all that gunk out of there for me. Many people do use it with good success. My back can't take the big spring clean out.

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