Stinky chick waterer...


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
Has anybody else had problems with their chicks waterer being smelly? I have the basic clear, plastic waterer with the red screw-on bottom for chicks. I am almost wondering if it is getting mildew in it or something. I guess it would be from the warm environment. I know this is silly, but what do I do about it? I rinse it out and give them fresh water twice a day. Do I need to clean it with some dishsoap or will that hurt them? Thanks in advance for the suggestions!
You can also clean it with chlorine to kill any mildew, rinse well and let air dry. I do this to my chicken water when it gets too green. I also clean out the horse trough occasionally this way.
I notice mine smell more if it sits on the bedding. I keep a block of wood under mine which seems to help. Now the quail waterer that is another story. They kick feed in it and it smells to high heaven. Gross I clean it several times a day.
Generally a smell indicates there is bacteria growing in the waterer. I would wash it with dish soap or run it thru the dish washer like others suggested. I always keep extras on hand and swap them out every other day. Chicks are messy little buggers, so this way I can soak one while they have a fresh one.

Ours is set up on a half a brick. I clean it once daily with anti-bacterial handsoap, rinse it well, then clean it thoroughly with dishsoap after. It gets changed twice a day, but I rinse it the second time.

The velcro and wood block is great idea!!


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