stinky duck poop


6 Years
Jul 30, 2014
I've read there are different types of duck poops but not sure what's normal as in consistency, color,& odor. My 5 week old duck often expels a seriously unpleasant liquid.
It's dark brown to blackish with consistency between milk &soft yogurt. It's usually accompanied by an audibly wet gasous release. And this stuff has a horrificly foul odor. What is it? Is this normal? And for the love of humanity WHY!?
I love my Qwackers but when faced with the clean up of this mess I'm sure he must be possessed by disgusting sewage demons.
**if this condition is a serious situation please let me know what to do!
Duck poop stinks. Like really stinks. I can't be much help because I got my ducks as adults but mine have kinda a slimly thinkish watery smelly poop. It gross
"Possessed by disgusting sewage demons" Lmao! Quackers is the same age & has the brown squirts too. The sound is so gross lol. One time I had him on my shoulder & he popped on me. It's bad enough when they're near you but worse when the sound is right in your ear! Lol. I had read somewhere that it's normal for runny poop. What are you feeding him? I noticed Quackers' stink is worse when I give him ACV. I couldn't stand the stench which is why I've stopped giving it to him. Now the smell is bearable.

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