stinky incubator???

The egg is continually getting darker when I candle (the shell is thick and I don't have the best flashlight, but I see daily change), any pictures of eggs growing bacteria??
Sounds like you may have a little bit of bacterial growth. Since incubators are warm and moist, little bacterias love it. Put a LITTLE bit of bleach in with the water and you'll notice a difference.
Yes. And don't ditch that egg that is dark! That one is developing. Just as long as nothing is slooshing around in the egg. It is it liquid, that means that is it rotten, but at that point you would definitely know that was the source of the stink.
Yesterday I wiggled the egg back and forth and it didnt look like liquid, it had more of a shape when I moved it...The thing that worries me is theres no movement on its own but its getting hard to see. I'll keep it in there unless the egg starts to "weep" and I'll try the bleach in the water. Thanks!
Maybe...but that dosn't make much sense to me. Couldnt it just as easily be that bacteria that have contaminated the incubator, then contaminate an egg...

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