Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

My neighbor is a female and her name is Michael.
Her husband is Aaron... the first time I met them I kept trying to reverse the names and use Aaron as Erin.

On a related note to the thread... this is getting so completely out of control and out of hand. I want to scream with frustration for you!! You almost hate to say it but, what next?!
This isn't a consumer complaint issue. This is a legal issue. And the judge should have recused herself, is she was going to, early on. What the vet's statement has to do with the legal issue of who owns the horse is beyond me.

EXACTLY. And why on earth should the vet matter? Except that the vet is her father...
This isn't a consumer complaint issue. This is a legal issue. And the judge should have recused herself, is she was going to, early on. What the vet's statement has to do with the legal issue of who owns the horse is beyond me.

EXACTLY. And why on earth should the vet matter? Except that the vet is her father...


What a soap opera!
You know where they say poo rolls... downhill... I'd write to your State senators and representatives - tell them all of what has happened... BE SURE TO VISIBLY CC the letter to the local papers and the largest paper in the state (and if you want to be really effective, CC it to an AP representative), AND to the ASPCA, and to your state livestock board. Outline the entire runaround you have been given.
Once politicians in Oklahoma can see that you are going to make a stink, and they and their broken system is going to be put in the limelight - the ol' poo will roll downhill and things will suddenly, mysteriously start to get done.

Squeaky wheels...
Just keep the pressure on. I helped someone locate their horse after three years, and even though the horse was stolen from her, it had to be bought back...I raised the money and we got it back for her. JUST DON'T GIVE UP.

I have to ask, is the press involved with your story? If not, I would find a way of getting them involved...the media can really work for you sometimes, especially if they detect gross injustice, like seems to be the case here.

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