Stop killing seramas!!!

Thomas Lamprogiorgos

6 Years
Oct 19, 2017
Dear standards, why, why, why?

Why do you want every serama to look the same?

Seramas survived from epidemics, their immune system was not strong and many of them were lost.

They are a miracle breed which doesn't need to breed true in color. The same for swedish flower, for greek crested and for many other breeds.

Their upright tail, their body shape, their size, their temperament, the hear of a lion they have are the unique features that make them so adorable.
There are many ways to avoid inbreeding when you breed for a specific color.

In my opinion, the worst that can occur is to leave colors that IS IMPOSSIBLE to standardize out of the competitions.

They will cancel the white color because it has both black and reddish marks.

The black if it has white feathers on the neck and copper feathers on the tail.

It is better not to care about a specific color because they have characteristics that make them a breed that can't be imitated by other bantam breeds.

There is the dutch breed which can be judged by color and many others.

Do not breed serams for colors.

Do not let ASSOCIATIONS kill their pure magic.
So the poultry associations are showing up at peoples homes and killing their seramas?
Ya I didn't think so. Associations ain't killing them people kill them. Associations try to set up standards so people know what to breed towards. They save breeds. Without them and people just breeding randomly what they want you would soon not even be able to recognize what breed any birds are.
Besides all that most breeders do not have any connection to the associations or the breed standard and no one says they have to.
You can breed them however you want and so can everyone else. Then in a 50 years when you can't tell them from a Japanese bantam or OEGB then you may wish that the standard was more involved so the breed could be saved.
So the poultry associations are showing up at peoples homes and killing their seramas?
Ya I didn't think so. Associations ain't killing them people kill them. Associations try to set up standards so people know what to breed towards. They save breeds. Without them and people just breeding randomly what they want you would soon not even be able to recognize what breed any birds are.
Besides all that most breeders do not have any connection to the associations or the breed standard and no one says they have to.
You can breed them however you want and so can everyone else. Then in a 50 years when you can't tell them from a Japanese bantam or OEGB then you may wish that the standard was more involved so the breed could be saved.
You can tell them from the japanese ones from the size of their comb.
You can tell them from the old english from the body shape, the temperament and the weight.
You don't need to cancel colors to tell seramas from other breeds.
You can tell them from the japanese ones from the size of their comb.
You can tell them from the old english from the body shape, the temperament and the weight.
You don't need to cancel colors to tell seramas from other breeds.
You can now because breeders before you bred all three breeds towards their standard set up by associations.
If you do away with their standards it won't be long until all the random breeding without a goal will produce breeds you can't distinguish.
If allowed varieties is your only issue then mix your colors or work towards getting different varieties approved.
Little drastic to be unhappy about associations wanting to separate out varieties to be blasting them as killing chickens.
In general the idea of breeders 'culling' their 'stock' that don't have the traits they desire is horrific. I thought that is what was meant by the OP in that many people are so concerned with their seramas having to look a certain way, which is not even feasible in the example of single colours, that they are willing to slaughter many seramas that don't fulfil the unreasonable criteria of 'perfection'. Selectively breeding birds with the desired characteristics does not necessitate, or justify, slaughtering those without.

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