Stop looking at my ducks that way!

You have vultures in Georgia?!? You live in Georgia, US, not in Georgia in the Caucasian mountains do you?
I know nothing about vultures first hand, but i think if there is an opportunity, there will be a predator…
Oh my gosh yes, we have TONS of vultures. Turkey vultures I guess they are. We are in a very rual area (west of Atlanta and practically to Alabama) and they are always flying overhead and actually cast a shadow on the ground if they fly low enough. There are always people hunting and dressing the deer or whatever in the woods and fields near by so they are everywhere trying to score a meal. They are hideous things but I guess every creature has a purpose and they are the "clean up crew". I'm surprised there aren't any in West Virginia!
Oh my gosh yes, we have TONS of vultures. Turkey vultures I guess they are. We are in a very rual area (west of Atlanta and practically to Alabama) and they are always flying overhead and actually cast a shadow on the ground if they fly low enough. There are always people hunting and dressing the deer or whatever in the woods and fields near by so they are everywhere trying to score a meal. They are hideous things but I guess every creature has a purpose and they are the "clean up crew". I'm surprised there aren't any in West Virginia!
I learned something new today! Thank you very much!
I really thought vultures live only in the »old world«.
Well i was dead wrong, and there are vultures here in WV, black vultures and they are not cuddly: »Black vultures threaten livestock, homes across state«
I learned something new today! Thank you very much!
I really thought vultures live only in the »old world«.
Well i was dead wrong, and there are vultures here in WV, black vultures and they are not cuddly: »Black vultures threaten livestock, homes across state«
no, they are hidieous, disgusting creatures of bad dreams! You don't even want to see one up close! I just looked up black vulture and that's not what we have primarily. We have the turkey vulture. It says that they don't go after "live" things but the blue vulture does! Chris Croson, West Virginia director of Wildlife Services for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said there have been reports of black vultures killing newborn calves, lambs and goats in West Virginia.
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no, they are hidieous, disgusting creatures of bad dreams! You don't even want to see one up close! I just looked up black vulture and that's not what we have primarily. We have the turkey vulture. It says that they don't go after "live" things but the blue vulture does! Chris Croson, West Virginia director of Wildlife Services for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said there have been reports of black vultures killing newborn calves, lambs and goats in West Virginia.
Imagine what such a terror-bird would do to one of our ducks! :barnie
Have not seen them here, but i have also not explicitly looked for a »big black bird« in the sky. Sweet dreams y'all! :(
So so sorry about Daisy. It's so heartbreaking. Im so worried about my girls here. I had a small hawk hit Lily 2 weeks ago I was just a couple feet from her when I heard her scream then saw it fly off past my huge netting. She was ok. I've spent the past 2 weeks hanging twine and curly ribbon everywhere. The ribbon is silver and looks like predator tape. It's cheaper and lasts longer. But I'm still not comfortable with them being safe enough.
So so sorry about Daisy. It's so heartbreaking. Im so worried about my girls here. I had a small hawk hit Lily 2 weeks ago I was just a couple feet from her when I heard her scream then saw it fly off past my huge netting. She was ok. I've spent the past 2 weeks hanging twine and curly ribbon everywhere. The ribbon is silver and looks like predator tape. It's cheaper and lasts longer. But I'm still not comfortable with them being safe enough.
Did the hawk attack Lily right through the netting? My netting is not good but I've got more on order which should be here soon. I have mended it a lot in many places with twine too. I think it starts to rot in the sun. I bought plastic this time which I'm hoping will hold out longer. In my case, I have 2 narrow runs but only one is covered with netting and I've been letting them have the run of both. Daisy got killed in the area where there wasn't any net in the middle of the afternoon. Now I've got the remaining 4 girls in the run with the netting and I hope I've buttoned it up good enough to keep the hawks out. I just about have to crawl on my hands and knees to get into the duck run but I'm going to work on making that a bit better today.
I went out to play with my ducks this afternoon and they were all in their pen....which never happens. All except Daisy my beautiful white duck. There was a hawk eating him in my duck run in the only part that had no netting across the top. I am so sad. I loved that duck so much. He'd sit in my lap and love on me every night and I'd sing to him and he'd go to sleep while I scratched his little head. He was so beautiful. View attachment 1602021
I am so very sorry about Daisy, thats just terrible :( We've had a lot of hawks and vultures around lately. Saw an owl perched on a powerline down the road during the day as well and ive been super paranoid.
I have runners as well and live in Hiram...if you ever want any eggs to hatch just let me know and I would be happy to give you some :)
I am so very sorry about Daisy, thats just terrible :( We've had a lot of hawks and vultures around lately. Saw an owl perched on a powerline down the road during the day as well and ive been super paranoid.
I have runners as well and live in Hiram...if you ever want any eggs to hatch just let me know and I would be happy to give you some :)
oh my gosh thank you so much. Hiram is so close to us and I go there every week to run my errands. I don't want to hatch any more eggs at this time because it will be so hard to keep them warm and cozy. I did my incubating at beginning of May and they hatched on the 30th and 31st which worked out great as far as them being warm just because it was almost summer. I was able to have my babies out and in their little paint tray pool in a few days. I would love to have some eggs in the spring though. I could trade you some unfertile eggs for some fertile ones! That would be so awesome!
That sounds great, whenever you are ready just let me know and I will set some aside for you. Not sure what the babies from our Chocolate or blue runners would look like but we have a male and female fawn and white...
We raised the 3 babies in February last year and wish we would have waited until spring as well.
I know it doesnt replace Daisy but happy to help in any way :)

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