Stored applesauce in plastic bottles...?


Mar 28, 2020
So we have some stored applesauce in the store bought plastic thicker bottles... some of it is old. Not real old but it has the clear plastic and doesn't look good.

But people say that most canned goods can be used many years after the expiration dates.

But comparing this to that, how does that work for the store bought plastic bottles? Thanks.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't canning be considered shelf stable in metal cans or glass because of the extreme heat and pressure used to cook and seal the containers airtight and the process kill most bacteria? If you used the same heat and pressure on a plastic jar, I could only imagine it would melt or buckle... I believe most store-bought apple sauce is considered shelf stable in an unopened container between 4-7 months. Longer if it was frozen. At my house we had home canned applesauce in glass jars with metal lids and those kept for a few years when we stored it in the cold room in the basement.
I really don't know the kind of bottles you're talking about, so this is just my line of thought. I guess it would depend on how old is the apple sauce and how was it packaged, preserved, and stored?

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