Storing large quantities of feed...


12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
Hi, I was thinking that for these 50lb. bags of feed, that I'd dump them into one of those plastic trash cans with a fitted lid. Is this how you guys store feed? Any input and ideas would be helpful. Thanks!

Rats can chew right through plastic. I use galvanized trash cans (you know, those old metal kind) that I got at the feed store. I store the food in one and the scratch in the other. I love those trashcans. I even use one to store my charcoal in so it's never wet when I go to BBQ.
I keep mine in garbage cans. I just want to mention that squirrels and coons, and maybe other critters, I'm not sure, can/do chew through the rubber/plastic cans to get to the feed. So if you have to keep your feed outside and have problems with these critters you'd be better off to get the galvanized metal cans with good solid lids.
How many sacks of feed are you planning to store?

Myself, I load up with a half dozen to a dozen, and just store the sacks of feed flat on a skid in the basement.

I store the feed I'm actively using in a trashcan. It holds 100 lbs of feed, which suits me just fine. It certainly does not move easily with that amount in it, so I make sure it's where I want it before I fill it.

For some reason, the rats around here have never learned then can gnaw through plastic trashcans. So I've not had a single incident with the plastic cans. While I've many metal cans, I do prefer the pastic since they don't rust up outside. Should my rats finally learn they can gnaw through plastic, I'll switch.
I use 5 of these 1 is for cat food the others hold my chick starter,scratch grains, layer feed etc.
I had a problem with racoons gettin on my back porch but they couldn't figure out how to open them up. They had them drug all over the porch and they never spilled a drop of food. They hold 50 lbs of food each.

metal cans work great. Check to make sure the lids don't leak. I lost 100lb of feed with 1 small hole and 1 good rain storm. I put a contractor bag in first than feed it seems to keep the feed fresher.
Hey Poison Ivy - what brand are those containers? I don't know if I'll use them for my birds but I have lots of other uses for them. How nifty, and on wheels!

They are by rubbemaid I bought 2 at Petsmart but I found them for $20 at TS that was for the 45 gal one. I love them it keeps the moisture out which is important where I live. Wish they made them bigger for the horses feed.

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