Story of a boy and his chickens.


Jul 17, 2015
I have many pictures and will probably break this into a few post.
My name is Zack, I recently moved to Edenton NC where I purchased a house and 4 acres of land. I received my 14 little girls and guys 6 weeks ago from Murray McMurray and have been enslaved to building and tending to chickens every day after work since.
Please keep in mind I have never built anything before or raised chickens. And the story begins.

6 weeks and 2 days ago I received my 14 little ones. (16 shipped two DOA)
I received 5 delewares, and 8 Rhode Island reds, also got the free rare chicken who turned out to be a golden laced wyndotte. I asked for 1 male of each and it worked out.






The previous owner left plenty of hardie board so I took advantage. I will be painting this when complete. Basically only did the front before I begin work on the inside as chickens were getting to large for my makeshift brooder. I will continue story and pictures tomorrow as I need to rest before continuing work on the run which I just set and concreted the post for.





Wow, great progress on the coop. You probably incorporated ventilation into your coop plan near the roof line, but I can't tell from the photos. I always say to double check that there is enough ventilation when I comment on coops and always recommend using hardware cloth to keep the coop secure from predators. Those are adorable chicks, it is so much fun to watch them grow and chickens are just as much fun when they are fully grown.
That looks great!! Love the windows are baby's sleep in the windows sometimes. We know they leave the perch because they leave evidence behind!!
We needed to add a farm fan because air flow can't be created if it doesn't exist.
There is large soffit areas left on front and back of coop. Secured with 1/2" 19 gauge hardware cloth which is also what the entire run is being closed in with. There is also a total of 3 storm windows which I made hardware cloth frames for that I can screw on and off to adjust window. We have been having a heat wave which will continue until Wednesday. I'm actually having to stay home tomorrow to finish the run as I have had to let the chickens out as they please, keeping entire door open,m and monitoring them. I have been bringing them a hog pan full of water and ice which they like to roost on, lay next to, and stand in to keep cool. If I shut that door and they are unable to get be out in the run then they surely would get to hit during this spell mTheir panting worries me but I known it is just a necessary function to keep cool. I only half completed the run today as once the sun got up it was miserable and work became slow. I am uploading pictures now of chickens and run progress.



Picture of frame I made using hardware cloth and 1x4s for the windows. Also I used some house wrap I found to line the floor. I don't know if it was a good idea or not but it made sense to me.

Boy was trying to figure out roofing not fun at all. Picture once I got the shingles figured out and on.

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