Story of my Life - Lone Minor RP - Please see the partially updated front page!

Blake leaned up against one of the supporting poles, glancing briefly at Eli as he left with Aisha and Danni as she ducked out alone. "Guess its just us now." He winked, sauntering over to the two girls and putting his arm around Elena, pulling her up against his side "If I said you had a beautilful body, would you hold it against me?" He asked, deliberatly chosing a cheesy pick-up line for entertainment purposes.
Blake leaned up against one of the supporting poles, glancing briefly at Eli as he left with Aisha and Danni as she ducked out alone. "Guess its just us now." He winked, sauntering over to the two girls and putting his arm around Elena, pulling her up against his side "If I said you had a beautilful body, would you hold it against me?" He asked, deliberatly chosing a cheesy pick-up line for entertainment purposes.
Elena giggled. But before she could make a comment, someone took a hold of her arm. It was Bambi. She looked to Elena, and then to Blake, her expression serious. "Let's get going, Elena..."
*covers face and hides under pillow, muffling strange laughter sounds* No one can resist a love story.
Elena giggled. But before she could make a comment, someone took a hold of her arm. It was Bambi. She looked to Elena, and then to Blake, her expression serious. "Let's get going, Elena..."

Blake reached around with his long arm and put it around Bambi, pulling her against his other side so both girls were against him. "Aw don't go yet luv!" He protested, sounding almost drunk, though that was impossible as he had been drinking the same iced-tea that they had. "We've only just gotten started"
Quote: Bambi gave him a sharp elbowing in the ribs. "Back off, perv," she snapped, looking up to him with a glare, and slowly pulling away.

Meanwhile, Elena shot a glance at her companion. "Oh shut up, Bamb. He ain't causing any trouble."

"Oh really?" she retorted. "How many times have I told you not to get involved with older guys? They always get you into trouble. He could knock you up for all I care! You wouldn't want that!"

Elena simply rolled her eyes, disregarding her older friend and clinging closer to Blake. "Fine. If that's what you want. I'll be at home if you need me, you dumb h**." With that, Bambi stomped off, and Elena scoffed. "What a drama queen," she murmured under her breath, once Bambi had cleared the room.
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