Story of my Life - Lone Minor RP - Please see the partially updated front page!

Blake frowned after Bambi "I'm sorry, I didn't want her to leave or anything." He said, sounded back like his old self. He rubbed the sore spot on his ribs where she had elbowed him, wincing slightly as he found the bruise. "Thats gunna leave a mark."
Blake frowned after Bambi "I'm sorry, I didn't want her to leave or anything." He said, sounded back like his old self. He rubbed the sore spot on his ribs where she had elbowed him, wincing slightly as he found the bruise. "Thats gunna leave a mark."
"It's okay, she sometimes.... Is just like that," Elena softly said. "You alright?"
"It's okay, she sometimes.... Is just like that," Elena softly said. "You alright?"
Blake chuckled, twirling his fingers through her hair and glancing down at a battered old watch on his wrist "We got about 2 hours until Eli gets back, and I don't intend on wasting it." He winked.
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