's flea colony had run and sought refuge on Barbras body. Shep horrified by his bald skin, ran to the chicken who caused the malady and plucked him bald and pasted the feathers all over the important parts. The chicken completely plucked was embarrassed that now the entire world knew his secret about...
the sinister tattoo on his left wing that signified that he was a true avatar of evil; a bringer of misfortune. Shep could never fully understand the nature of the creature whose feathers he'd just plucked, but he could sense that this dark mark was somehow connected to his deep, overwhelming fear of this rooster, and now his insides felt like ice. Jacques, who had been staring at the dog and chicken through his windshield while puling about his misfortunes to his wife, suddenly recognized the mark. His phone slid from his hand as he came to full realization that this was no ordinary rooster. He had never really believed all the warnings that his arrière-grand-père had given him as a mioche on his visits to the Quebec backwoods. He had always thought that those had been just tales to scare children. But in one moment he knew that all those stories were in fact true, and that wherever this bird went, calamity and sorrow were soon to follow. He now knew the reason for all of the horror that was unfolding around him. For it was clear to Jacques that this naked, marked chicken was in truth
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a undercover Sith Jedi master who was having a secret affair with Martha, who was now headless lying in the yard or Shep. And it was all his fault. Shep was such a coward and deserved not to live and with that the chicken whose name was, Darth Caulk R Ell, focused his plan of Galactic domination. Whipping out his double bladed light saber that glowed red, and turned his attention on to...
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"There's a ripple in the Force... I sense a Jedi nearby." Just then, Jamie step through the door of the house wearing plain brown robes and holding a light saber with a blazing blue blade. Her skills as a master were clear as she effortlessly leapt high into a triple somersault and landed in a low stance before Darth Caulk R Ell, her humming blade pointed just below his little beak. She said
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then she felt a contraction then she ran back into the house to give birth, but this was no ordianry baby it was a
a Vorpal Bunny baby! Concieved in a forbidden and lurid affair in the village of, Eruyt home of the Viera race. Highly sought after for their warrior skills and beautiful. But... a mis joining always results in the Vorpal bunny whos sole aim is to destroy the parents. Then turns its revenge on others. As it popped out of its mother it rolled across the floor and broke fully grown with a scimitar in hand ready for battle and in his sights was...
his mother, who was now sitting on her bed and entering a Jedi healing trance. But, with a slight flourish of her extended hand she telekinetically flung her battle-ready offspring out the window and the Vorpal Bunny careened straight toward Caulk R Ell. Meanwhile, Jacques was frantically firing up his diesel, because he knew that he had to head off Sheriff John. Then suddenly, two dogs jumped in his cab. He stared at the two now sitting on the passenger side, wagging their tails, and said "You are smart dogs, yes? Ok. You come with me." Jacques put his rig in gear and headed up the road. Barbra looked at her nearly naked brother and thought that she never, ever wanted to see a chicken again. Jacques could see the brilliant flashes in his side view mirror as the battle behind him began. Meanwhile, Darth Caulk R Ell was spinning his double blade in his little chicken feet using a Sith light-spur technique, trying deflect the Vorpal Bunny's horrific blur of scimitar strikes, when suddenly
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the thought he could lose to this naked bird, came to the Vorpal Bunny he concluded that he needed help and called for a patoon of ninja cockatrices, nunchakus awhirling. Darth Caulk R Ell realizing he was out numbered used the force and hitched a ride on Jacques truck snicked and said, You are not to die today because I will let you deal with the Jedi who is your mother! The Vorpal bunny realized he was fighting the wrong foe turned and he with his patoon of ninja cockatrices headed out to do in Jamie. She had been in the middle of...
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making breakfast, now being fully recovered from labor. She had set the table for twelve. She knew that Caulk R Ell, who she had been tracking on this planet undercover for five years, would flee. But the Vorpal Bunnie slowed him down and bought the time she needed to heal. She was ready to deal with Caulk R Ell now, but first she needed to feed her kid and his friends. While pensively working at the stove she wondered whether her disguise as a teen pop star was perhaps more detrimental to the indigenous population than Caulk R Ell's rooster, but she brushed the idea aside, as she had done many times before. She flipped over the omelette. It was at that moment that
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