Strange acting pullet

She are and drunk some overnight. She still put up a fight when I gave her water through a dropper. However, when I lay her down she doesn't pull her feet up under her. She won't even roll over. I've brought her in the house and put her in the dark to make her sleep. Any other advice. I'm afraid my rooster has hurt her to bad to pull through this. I don't see any evidence of lice, worms, or mites.
How is she doing today?

Is there an area you can fence her off to give her a break from the others? (Rooster mostly?)
Ok. Hope the vitamins help and maybe she will feel like eating.

Keep us posted...Hoping she makes it through this rough patch ok.

She is eating, drinking, and pooping. However, she still won't get up and walk. She is still resting in the bathroom. Any ideas on getting her to move. I'm sure it's not good to be still for three days.
That is great news! Making progress it seems.

Maybe the bathroom is considered unfamiliar territory to her? Is there an area outside you can fence her off somewhat from the others where she is able to walk around? Possibly somewhere with a soft landing, like grass? Maybe put some food and water on one side of that area and put her on the other. See if she attempts to walk around and monitor any physical struggles she may have.

Maybe you will be able to tell if she has any limping or something else going on when you can see her attempt to walk and move around.
Try tossing some black oiled sunflower seeds out in that area too.

Please let us know your findings.
Well she is not doing well. She won't eat or drink and is loosing feathers it looks like. I have her vitamins last night but wasn't able to baby her as much with my work schedule. Today she seems exhausted and didn't even try to eat. I think she may be dying.

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