Strange Behavior of 8 week old Buff Orpington and Feed Question


May 2, 2015
One of my 8 week old, almost 9 weeks old, keeps sitting in the nesting box as if she is going to lay. Is she getting broody? I know they don't start laying until 20ish weeks. We had a thunderstorm last night, could she be scared? or tired? She's the biggest of our flock.

Also, what are the signs of their feathers when they are about to lay?

One last question, my barred rocks are 2 weeks younger than my buff orpingtons, should I wait until the barred rocks are 8 weeks old until I start feeding layer feed?

Welcome! Don't feed layer until after most of your pullets are actually laying eggs. Feed a grower until then. You can feed Flock Raiser forever, with oyster shell on the side free choice for the laying hens. Mary

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