Strange behavior today after first eggs yesterday

Found it!

Under a weedlike bush that I let grow for shade and cover for them.

I hope they use the nest box soon. She had actually went up to it a couple of times on her own but wouldn't stay in it.
I gotta tell ya this topic has me just crackin up!!!!!!! It's so nice to see others getting so crazy *considerite* of their chickens behavior, and wanting everyone to be oh so happy and comfortable. It's just a picture to behold from one chicken lover to so many others.
Now, to add to the 'new' egg layer part, one of my chickens first eggs was i think pushed out early? because of the pressure of others laying? (my poor chicken had peer pressure?) The good thing was that she didnt lay this <soft shelled> egg in the nesting box so mabie that is what's happening to yours. She just doesnt know whre to put this "non egg" she may be carrying??? I'd say let her do with this one as she will and see what comes of it......ALL the rest her eggs have been BEAUTIFUL super solid wonders!!
And, though the chickens devowerd this egg and scarred me to death (until kind responce from member here putting me at ease) thinking they would become egg eaters, all is good at my little heaven on earth........

oops..... i seeeeeeee you found it and all my info goes down the
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Would you say that the bush was a "darker" more "private" place than the nestbox? Maybe try making the nestbox area darker?

Also, how is the temperature inside the coop/nestbox?

It was jumping at the window???....maybe it was looking for a mid-wife???

I can't find a 2nd egg so it must have been my RIR laying all 3 and I just missed the first one 2 days ago. Darn!

They all look good. Good shells, nice light brown color. A little small but I hear they get bigger as she gets used to it.

I don't remember so much fanfare yesterday morning though. Maybe when they all get going it won't be so bad.
You mentioned earlier about worrying about your neighbors being disturbed by the noise. You need to hook up a big stereo and get one of those THUMP!!!THUMP!!!THUMP!!! cds that folks ride around playing that rattle the panes loose in your windows. Set the volume up, oh, about 3/4 wide open (you gotta save the other 1/4 power in case you need it) and play it for a couple of days during the hen chatter time.

On the third day (if the law hasn't arrived yet) don't turn the music(?) on. Run hurridly over to your neighbor(s) house and out of breath profusely apologize for not having the music(?) playing to cover the sound of the hens (the sounds of childbirth can be disturbing to some people). Explain that you really don't like the music(?) but that you were looking out for them (the neighbors) by drowning out the sound of the hens. Be sure that the quieter, more peaceful babble of the hens is heard in the background. Natural survival instincts should surface in your neighbors and they will think that the chickens sound quiet nice.


P.S. If the law shows up first simply tell them you got the tip off of BYC.

P.P.S. If the neighbors start blaring back Barry Manilow or Tiny Tim at you or worse yet...some of their own window-bustin' music, well, U-Haul has summer rates in effect right now...

It was darker and cooler under the bush. The coop is in the sun by late moring but it wasn't to warm in there yet.
The boxes are kind of open....I'll address that.

I think she did want someone to help her out, that.s why she let me hold her. Can't get near her without a mealworm right now.


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