Strange bumps on my hens legs


Sep 30, 2015

About a week ago my I noticed some strange looking bumps on one of my hens legs. They don't seem to bother her, but they are getting bigger. I began to try to treat them with tea tree oil, because I thought that maybe it was mites? I separated her from the flock and have been treating her but it has not gotten any better. Please help me identify or diagnose!! I even called the local vet with no luck.
It's hard to tell by the picture. Bumps on a chicken's leg can either be from feathered legs, which is normal, or from scaly leg mites. I would need a better picture to be able to tell which.
DE is a great thing to have available for them to dust bath in it. You don't want all DE in the dust bath though, it's not good to breath. This is MY recipe; 5 cups of DE, 5 cups of wood ash (leftovers from burning wood from the woodstove). 20 cups of fresh dirt. This help keep the parasites off their body and I'm sure helps the legs too. You should also sprinkle a little DE in their nesting box. Some add a little DE in their food too. (Check your bag and make sure it's FOOD GRADE if you do that though.)

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