Strange bumpy egg


13 Years
May 5, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Our BO pullet just started laying this week. She gave us 5 perfect eggs in 6 days. Then today we got this bumpy one.

What are the bumps? Calcium deposits?

Mine occasionally lay one like this, just as they occasionally lay a double yolker, or an egg of a slightly different color or shape. I just attribute it to the remarkable diversity of natural processes. Probably just a little blip in the laying down of calcium to form the shell.
Just calcium deposites. Some birds do this a lot, mostly it's a passing stage, they'll smooth out after a bit. No problem with the egg that I've ever found, just a 'shell thang'.
These are called pimples. No big deal as others said. Older chickens tend to do this. Excess calcium can cause this. Some chickens are genetically predisposed to lay eggs with pimples.

When chickens first start to lay, strange things can happen to their eggs. It sometimes takes a couple of weeks for their internal egg laying factory to work out all the kinks.

If you are mixing oyster shell with the feed, I'd offer it free choice instead so you are not forcing her to eat calcium to excess but letting her choose how much she gets. Other than that possibility, I would not worry about it or change anything.

Egg Quality Handbook
huh, I have always wondered what those were. When we used to get store bought eggs they would have them sometimes, it messed up my easter-egg coloring as a child
We get them occasionally now and our girls are 1.5 years.
Well, it's good to know that we aren't the only ones who have seen this. I suspected they were just calcium deposits, but they seemed so big.
(We don't mix oyster shell in with the food, just offer it on the side. Sounds like Miss Betty ought to take it easy on the oyster shell :)

Thanks for your responses.

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