Strange Droppings?


May 24, 2022
I've noticed today that my nearly 5 year old hen has been leaving some very strange poops on the floor. It's watery, and looks almost like yellow mucus. Otherwise, she's been acting fine, her feathers are nice and groomed, she's bright-eyed, and still loves eating. I gave her a small bit of sugar free yogurt for a boost of probiotics. Should I be concerned for her? She hasn't laid in a few days, but she's also getting older. Any suggestions?
Can you get a few clear pictures of it?

At 5 years old there may not be much that can be done but it sounds like it's possible there are some type of infection going on.
I've noticed today that my nearly 5 year old hen has been leaving some very strange poops on the floor. It's watery, and looks almost like yellow mucus. Otherwise, she's been acting fine, her feathers are nice and groomed, she's bright-eyed, and still loves eating. I gave her a small bit of sugar free yogurt for a boost of probiotics. Should I be concerned for her? She hasn't laid in a few days, but she's also getting older. Any suggestions?
I know it’s gross, but could you please post a picture of the poo? What diet is the hen on? How are you other birds acting?
Can you get a few clear pictures of it?

At 5 years old there may not be much that can be done but it sounds like it's possible there are some type of infection going on.
So it turns out that the various humans in the house have been giving her extra mealworms. I withheld her mealworms for a few days and poops have gone back to normal. And a day after I posted this, I didn't find any similar poo, which really wasn't helpful on her part. Thanks for replying anyway!
Is your other thread, this one:
Thread 'Lonely Chicken?'
About this same bird?

Your other 3 chickens have all recently passed?

Are you in the US?
Yes, it was about the same bird. Her friends that I had raised her with unfortunately passed during the pandemic. She's on a lay feed diet and gets lots of time to run around the backyard and eat plants and bugs, along with fruits and mealworms that I give her. The only other birds I now have are chicks that are separated from her, since they aren't old enough to be completely outside. I am in the US, and have fairly decent weather here.

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