Strange duck behavior.


In the Brooder
May 18, 2015
I have two elderly female muscovy ducks. They used to hang out together in their enclosure and would go to the swimming pool in the evenings when I let them out.
All this has changed. The one duck sits permanently on a nest, for about six months now, and only leaves it to feed while the other duck will not go near it. It appears to be scared of the other duck even though the other duck is not aggressive. I can only assume they are going senile in their old age.
Am I correct?
Sounds super broody to me. It may be a senility thing, but my one scovy is VERY serious about brooding. She gets the idea in her head and nothing will move her off that nest. I think your duck is just doing it as a habit, even if she's no longer fertile.
They are over 12 years old. At least, if one died the other would not be concerned like happened once before when a dog killed its mate and a vet had to treat it for depression.
They are over 12 years old. At least, if one died the other would not be concerned like happened once before when a dog killed its mate and a vet had to treat it for depression.

That's sad. I wouldn't be so sure they aren't bonded now, their relationship has changed but id say they still care for each other. It was Miss Lydia who told me the broody thing was mental and hormonal and had to run its course, that's why I'm thinking one of yours has the idea to be broody and got a bit distant towards her friend.
That's sad. I wouldn't be so sure they aren't bonded now, their relationship has changed but id say they still care for each other. It was Miss Lydia who told me the broody thing was mental and hormonal and had to run its course, that's why I'm thinking one of yours has the idea to be broody and got a bit distant towards her friend.
Thanks for the reply. Actually it is not the broody one who is distant, but the other who keeps her distance.
It might be just a phase. Things like this often dont last forever, they might be dabbling around together before you know it.
You were correct. After about six months she stopped nesting and they have been together ever since.
However, for the last two days it had been nesting again.

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