Strange growth below hen's vent


7 Years
6 Years
Jul 6, 2017
I have this hen that has an odd growth a little bit below her vent. I first noticed this two years ago and made a post, but the post didn't get much traction. I watched it and nothing changed and nothing has changed still. She has acted completely healthy and normal. She is having a pretty heavy molt this year so the growth is very visible, which again has me asking the question of what is it? It doesn't seem to have changed in size; at least nothing noticeable. It's not super soft, but it's not super hard either. It's relatively firm but there is a fair amount of give, if that makes sense. Even though I've known about this for 2 years I'm still wondering what it may be? Any ideas?


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could she have broken something back there and it healed funny? & the mass is just the body's way of protecting it?

one of my roos had a bit of a mass on his breast bone and I assumed he had broken it at some point and the fluid buildup was to protect the misaligned bone from the roost.
could she have broken something back there and it healed funny? & the mass is just the body's way of protecting it?

one of my roos had a bit of a mass on his breast bone and I assumed he had broken it at some point and the fluid buildup was to protect the misaligned bone from the roost.
Looking at skeletons, there doesn't appear to be any bones back there where the mass is.
Well- personally I would stick a needle in there and aspirate to see if anything comes out, especially on the left side. Using something small like a 1" long 22 gauge needle.
I have this hen that has an odd growth a little bit below her vent. I first noticed this two years ago and made a post, but the post didn't get much traction. I watched it and nothing changed and nothing has changed still. She has acted completely healthy and normal. She is having a pretty heavy molt this year so the growth is very visible, which again has me asking the question of what is it? It doesn't seem to have changed in size; at least nothing noticeable. It's not super soft, but it's not super hard either.
I'm not sure what that could be, maybe a hernia, scabbing from an old injury/wound, etc.
If it's been like that for 2 years, nothing has changed then I would leave it alone and let is remain a "mystery".

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