Strange issue with 2 day old

Angry Cupcake

In the Brooder
Jun 23, 2015
I am not new at raising chicks, but this is a new one on me. I have a 2 day old porcelain d'uccle that seems blind. It is a runt compared to the five others. It seems to have issues finding and accurately hitting the mark when trying to eat or drink. I have boosted with Nutri-drench and hand fed feed and water. Anyone have any ideas on how to determine exactly what is going on?
Maybe crush the feed a little extra (I always do for my bantams and increased my survival rate) or wet it.

Sometimes young chicks simply don't connect with the food. They may even peck at it but never swallow. I consider that to be a failure to thrive.. and usually the PND keeps them alive until I switch to plain water.

Are it's eyes open? Can you post a video? Does it move in and out of the heat or try to do anything by itself? Is it able to stand and such or interact with the other chicks at all? Have you like dropped something in front to if the eyes react to the motion at all? Did you hatch this babe?

Sorry so many questions, just looking for clues.

Hope she pulls through! :fl
Here are a couple of photos. The eyes are open. After watching it for awhile it acts like it can see, but seems confused about what to do and how to be a chick. It has 11 others to learn off of, lol. I have tried the tapping to see if it would follow the sound or peck like the others do. No luck. I'm starting to wonder if it is just suffering from runtitis and will just need some assistance to catch up. No, I didn't hatch them. Yes, I got them from a hatchery that I have had great results with for the last 7 years(Meyer). No, they weren't shipped, I picked them up.


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