Strange noise

Researching broody is less stressful than unknown diseases. I did put some ACV in their water and feed them a can of tuna. Just in case. Thanks for viewing!
When mine go broody if I pick them up and take them away from the nest, they will plop down and not move. Then they get up, usually drop a gigantic smelly greenish poop, and start walking with their tail held in an inverted V shape and cluck-cluck-cluck as they make their way back to the nest. Broodies generally only get off the nest once or twice a day for a quick bite to eat, and a poop, and then head back to the nest. When on a nest, they seem to be in a trance, and make growl at you. Look for bare patches on the chest and belly from pulling out their own feathers in order to brood their eggs. To break a broody, I usually place them in a pen with a friend for 5 days, with very little bedding, and a roost for them to sleep on. Place feed and water in there, and offer some chopped egg and a bit of scratch to help pass the boredom.The picture below is one I use, but I put a 2 x 4 roost half way up:
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If she just started acting broody, you'll be able to break her more easily than if you let her stay that way for awhile. I found that out the hard way with my Buff. I figured she'd snap out of it if I booted her off the nest a few times a day and took all the eggs away from her. Nope, she'd sit on the empty nest with a crazy look in her eye. I even dumped her in the duck pool and she stood there in water up to her chest and just stared around vacantly and didn't try to get out. Once it went on a few weeks, she was so determined to stay that way. Now, when she goes broody, I right away put her in an empty dog kennel for a day (empty as in, no bedding- she has food and water) and she's back to her normal self by the next day.
Lord have mercy. Crazy birds. I have a medium sized dog crate I can move inside the run tomorrow. I can't leave her out of the run. Too many predators about at night. So funny these birds.
They are crazy for sure! And will periodically give you a scare with their behavior! I remember, with my first batch of chicks, one of them was trying to take a dust bath in the shavings. I was convinced she was having an epileptic seizure and dying. Full hysteria on my part- sobbing and everything, because she was my favorite chick, and it was late at night and no vets were open. I kept having my husband check on her because I didn't want to see her dead. It's funny now, but it sure freaked me out at the time!

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