Strange Tracks in Pen *Logical Conclusion on Page 46*

she must be catching up on her sleep this morning

BTW, has anyone mentioned possums? I had one living under my shed. They have long skinny tails, and kinda waddle when they walk. That would leave a crooked line.
Just a thought.

Sorry, i did sleep in until 7am this morning. i was sooooooo tired. Anyhow, went to retrieve the game cam and there were 684 pictures on it. It took me a while to wade through them and pick out the important ones.

So, this first one is the scariest. If any of you are easily frightened or have a queasy stomach, DO NOT SCROLL DOWN!

Okay, last chance. Bail now or be forever horrified!

Aaaaaaaaaagh! It's a giant!

Okay, seriously now. Most of the other pictures were of that one rat who runs back and forth in the pen from midnight until 5:45 am. Here is the little guy, see him on the right side?

At one point, looking through the 684 pictures, my husband and i thought we were seeing a snake. It was a long silvery thing zipping through the pen. Then realized it was the reflection from the rat's eye as he ran. i guess this cam has a long exposure time.

But, i didn't see the tracks this morning, and since they tend to show up every other day, i'm thinking i'll see something tomorrow. In the meantime, going to throw some rat bait under that playhouse/coop, which is where i'm sure that rat is living. Very happy with the game cam, though. It seems to be very responsive and is taking pretty good pictures.
i'm not sure a possum could get in there. But i suppose it is possible. My pens are only daytime secure, from cats and such. The coops (where my kids sleep) are day and night time predator proof, but the pens are made from chain link and other dog kennel types of panels. i haven't seen dig marks around that pen, except for holes that get dug under the playhouse/coop next to it, which i assume are rats burrowing under. i am really hoping to get some answers tomorrow. That rat isn't making those marks.
JMHO, but I don't know if I'd use rat bait. What if it dies in the run, or somewhere where the girls can get it and eat it?


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