Strange visitor

If you're lucky, it was just a scam artist for gasoline. A few years back there was a couple around here who had a thief routine down. They drove a pickup around the countryside and stopped at likely houses. The woman partner would go to the door and have some B.S. story while they cased the place. If no one was at home at the time, the pickup would back up to the door and in less then 15 minutes everything of value would be loaded up and gone. (Finally got caught, when owners came home up a one lane drive and they couldn't escape.)
Another scam was a couple guys show up wanting to sell lightening rods/installation for your house & out-buildings-----again, the purpose was to case your place and steal whatever they could.

I live at the end of a dead end one lane road-------I'm thinking of putting up a sign with a flying monkey perched on it saying "I'd turn back if I was you"
DarkMatter, great minds think alike! I have a sign in my office that reads "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"
I'll have to look for the "I'd turn back" sign for our drive.
Probably had no cash on hand. Drove around looking for a house. Maybe or maybe not off the interstate.

People do a lot of dumb things. Most people would be afraid to do something like that because they'd be scared of the people in the house being serial killers or the like.

But...Not unusual to see people doing dumb stuff.

Probably won't be back. Borrowed your gas can? Probably won't be back.

Why? Because she has your gas can now.
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is there a back door to the house available? or large open windows?
distraction theft/robberies are supposed to be getting worse,that is when one criminal/or more will cause a distraction at the front door,their fellow crim/s will sneak around the back to get inside or steal any outdoor goods.
its happened to a few houses along here before,over here its like wasps-when one leaves their sting behind,the rest of them can smell it and know where is vulnerable.

people shoud never act negative towards people they are asking for items or money,its simple manners,she shoud have been very very greatful that a stranger has had enough care for them to give her free petrol/gas.
perhaps she was drunk/or on drugs? that woud also explain both her attitude and lack of common sense with her driving.
Runt, you make a good point for all of us. Her lecture could have been part of the distraction. She had pulled into our driveway around the back of the house. The front door of our house was most likely open at 8 pm since the outside temperature would have been cooling down at that time. Anyone could have easily slipped in through the front door while my husband was helping her in the back. Yikes! Thanks for the heads up.
I'm thankful the only time someone stopped at the house asking for gasoline was someone who I think was genuinely in need. He wasn't dressed for the bitter winter weather neither was his four year old daughter (she was in a pretty dress and tights, and her coat wasn't very thick). While my sister helped him out, getting the gasoline, I brought his daughter in (she had been in the car, which was starting to get cold) so she could warm up. She was such a sweet thing. And the man, even though my sister took a five gallon container out, took a single gallon and also paid more than it was worth.
Any time strangers randomly stop by, I hear the dogs and meet the people in the driveway. The dogs bark their heads off and I point to their collars and say "they can't get over here cause of the electric fence....but don't go over there, that big one will rip your face off!" shake my head sadly and say "somethin must have happened to her when she was a pup, shes just evil.......ah never mind that, what can I do for you?" LOL Never fails! Of course that big one will probably just kiss them to death, but they don't need to know that!

Sometimes people are just weird and it sounds like one of them found you! Keep your motion lights on, put your trailcam out...maybe a few signs saying "these premises monitored", keep the guns loaded...whatever it is you do. Just stay aware for a few weeks in case they come back.
I'm borrowing that one... now if I could only get my Lab to bark.

Now if I were to hold a handful of blackberries, one of our araucanas would come running up like a velociraptor...
That is definitely something to be cautious about. I would be worried she was casing the house for a robbery. A couple of houses back at my old home got broken into. The guys would go farmhouse to farmhouse and knock to see if anyone was home, and then "ask for directions" if someone answered.

If he remembers what her vehicle looks like, I would write down both her description and the vehicle and keep it on hand if you happen to hear about any break-in's or livestock thieves.
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