Strange visitor

Had something simliar happen back when I lived in California. A person came to bro in law's door and asked to use the bathroom. They told them no.

In conversation with friends who lived a few blocks away, they found out that same person had gone to the friends door and asked to use the bathroom. And they let them in

Nothing ever came of it for the friend, probably due to the very large Akita they had in the house at the time. I would never ever try to break in there, those dogs will kill ya.

There were other break ins in the area, and we figure it was probably this weirdo....
I'm borrowing that one... now if I could only get my Lab to bark.

Now if I were to hold a handful of blackberries, one of our araucanas would come running up like a velociraptor...

You know, most people actually find it more unnerving that my german shepherds don't bark. They just sit there and watch. That is, while we are home. When we are not home we have taken to confining them to the dinning room so that they can't tear up the wood trim around the windows as they go ape**** at people walking by on the street. The mailman has told me several times that he always knows when we are home because when we are not, the dogs tell him in no uncertain terms (from behind the gate in the dinning room) that they don't want him on their porch! But every person we've ever felt suspicious about has always been very nervous that the dogs aren't barking at them but just watching them silently. Just this afternoon a girl walking home from the local high school with her friends was freaked out by my younger dog sitting in the window and watching. I didn't hear anything from him, but she screamed and jumped while pointing towards our house right as they were passing the guest room.

I would definitely be on the alert for the next few weeks. Suspicious behavior is sometimes people just acting oddly, but it's still worth keeping your guard up if you feel something isn't quite right.
IMHO you were being scoped out. I'd be keeping a wary eye out. for a while.

I don't give money to anyone begging but several years ago during the winter on a trip back to Illinois from Tennessee a man and his son came up to the gas station where I was filling my car and asked if I could give them a couple of gallons of gas. It was cold and blowing snow and they weren't dressed very well but they did have a gas can. Sometimes people are down on their luck and can use a helpful hand. I have no doubt that this guy was on hard times and I was glad to help him out a little.

As for the scammers. To heck with them. I've had people pull the "I'm from out of town and my car's out of gas and blah blah blah sob sob sob..." routine many times as I would walk out of church. Then when I'd say no they'd start lecturing me on how Christians are s'posed to help people in need.
Akita's are very good dogs. I have one myself. Super protective of our family and just like the german shepards. She just sits there quietly and watches. She went after my dad one time (dad does not live with me since i have had my dog) He had picked me up for a hug and she got a good part of his arm...

Sounds like you should be thinking about a good guard dog for when you are not home.
Makes me remember what happened in Wyoming a good number of years ago.
A lot of cattlemen went to the Wyoming Cattlemen's Convention and they came home to find gates busted, fences cut and lots of other acts of vandalism.

this woman sounds like a member of that type of group. Just lock your doors and load the guns.
x2 And have your guns handy.

Thats extreme.
Maybe she was off her medication. I would ignore it sounds like she was broke and had strong opinions.
Sorry to disagree with some, but everything in your original post about what she drove by and went through to get to your house screams fraud. I know that our church in San Francisco constantly received requests for handouts. The minister, being a seasoned soul, NEVER gave out cash. He would go shopping and get groceries and on several occasions would find that he had been given a non-existing street address. Definitely keep on the lookout for a return visit!

Four days ago, while leaving the doctor's office, I had a very broke looking, but nice, woman approach me to give her a lift to the gas station. Since I had seen a car just outside the doctor's parking lot on the highway access road with their hazards on, I had a feeling she was legit. So I took her to the station, she filled up her can, and waited until her car started upon returning her to her car. I felt sad after leaving her that I had felt so on guard helping someone down on their luck, but you must always err on the side of caution.

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