Strange Wound - (See Closed Thread) "My neighbor shot at me"

Husband, an avid shooter... thinks it does look more like a pellet wound than a snag type injury. :hmm

He thinks you should submit your pics to police to be included in the file.

This is no laughing matter and this ain't the wild, wild west. :confused:

If they are even documenting anything at all. Where animals are concerned they often do so little. Hence my get the proof suggestion. Its based on terrible personal experience. They really may not care unless you have black and white evidence.
I have submitted these wound photos and the photos of the pellets in my coop to the local department. They're doing very little to help other than "mediating" which is why I am so frustrated. My husband and I feel that this evidence is more than enough for action.

We're actively working toward building a privacy fence and getting the trail cam set up as weather/work allows. I won't cross the road to our other acre next to this neighbor by myself. That's husband's job and he'll have to find time to do that after work soon.

Fortunately, we have someone in the state police who is looking into this for us- but the state police have to let the borough/township police handle it when it's on their watch. So half of the week the township police are mediating for us and the other half of the week the state police have jurisdiction of our borough. (nothing against the township police- they're friendly and great but maybe too much so. And they're a small force because of how rural this is.)

I was really hoping to get the pellet out so she wouldn't have lead poisoning, but for all I know, it might have fallen out already. She was doing a lot of head shaking on the way to the house and it oozed a lot of fluid.

The wound could have been from a different day, but it seemed too fresh-- I suspect it was from earlier that day since I saw her jump at 8am and discovered the wound at 5pm. Enough time to scab over, but not enough time for the punctured skin to reseal.

The way we see it, if it's rural enough for a pellet/firearm being fired into our property at our buildings/house isn't enough of a call to action for local law enforcement, then a rooster crowing throughout the day shouldn't cause a stir either.

It is unfortunate that a chicken is only worth about as much as a McD's sandwhich to a lot of people. They don't understand that my birds are family. We put a lot into our coop, and take pride in this. It's also angering that my birds are being harassed while penned up in their small run...sitting ducks.

Husband and I have been discussing action steps each night. Once spring comes the foliage will cover the coop and it will offer more privacy until we can get that fence up. Jake brakes, tractors, trailers, semis, quarry trucks, oil pipeline trucks, dump-trucks and you name it... up and down that road all day long.
I can't imagine why a guy who likes peace and quiet would have built his house so close to that road in the middle of farm country and then complain about a rooster in a neighborhood that has had three roosters for the past few years.... *shaking my head*
Around here, a bullet going on someone else's property is tresspassing by the shooter. I don't know if a pellet would be considered the same, but I expect it might be especially when it causes property damage. We've had issues with neighbors doing target practice towards our property. The police addressed it as a tresspassing issue because the bullets came onto our property.

It sounds like the fence is an important piece in this. Good fences make good neighbors....
(Oops posted too soon then deleted)

My 4 camera system cost only twice as much as a game cam. 140 to be precise. It's wired into a box in my house, has decent night vision, can alert me when I'm away, and has easily solved some worries I had. You can say you can't afford it all day but your problems continue.

The day you whip out your phone and show the police a screenshot of your neighbor pointing a weapon at your livestock is the day they will stop expecting this to quiet down. Then 140 becomes a whole new value. Find the jingle. Ask for an early gift from someone. Sell something you can live without. You won't regret it.

Very best wishes solving this.
May I ask; what kind of camera system do you use? I’ve been looking but am overwhelmed bu the options. Thanks!
Just a you have or could you borrow a metal detector? Not sure what they can pick up but if something did fall off your bird and could be found by a metal detector would have your proof.

I was wishing I had access to one the other day, but I would have to spend a lot of time learning how to use it. I don't know anyone outside of my husband's family in this area, and they're dairy farmers. Busy and on a tight budget. No time for metal detecting.

I'm really interested in that camera system too @Relleoms $140 is not too much for my budget right now, especially if the evidence it picked up in the future was enough to end our problem permanently or at least for a few years if you know what I mean.
Today I'm taking my beautiful EE and my other Sumatra to an auction in Lancaster county. It's a sad day, but I'm keeping my other Sumatra until I can land a nice one from a breeder in this area. Got my eye on Dustin's Crystal poultry in CT. The folks in NJ never responded so I don't know if they're still in business.

However, I won't be landing any expensive birds until I'm sure no more pellets are coming our direction.

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