Stray Turkey


7 Years
Jan 27, 2012
Paducah, KY
I have all of my chickens in a very secure, coop and run. Over the past few days, a wild male turkey has shown up. Since showing up, he hasn't left their side. He spends all day within ten feet of the coop and at night he perches on my deck rail to sleep. He shows no aggression to the chickens nor to me. In fact, I can get with arms reach of him and he's fine. He isn't really a problem but I am wondering if this happens often. The only thing I can figure out is that he is their 'alpha male.' I don't mind having him around. Some people have a stray cat, I have a stray turkey.
That is really cool. I wish it would happen at my place, but the dogs probably keep them scared away. I think it is rare. I've only read of one other BYCer mentioning wild turkeys visiting.

Enjoy it! Hope he doesn't become too aggressive in a few months (breeding season), I'd keep a close eye on him at that time.
I have several wild turkeys, ruffed grouse and woodcocks that have made our yard home since we got poultry. They don't bother us and it is exciting for the neighborhood kids to see wild birds so close, especially the woodcocks which are fairly rare and elusive. I haven't had any diseases brought in by the wild birds, but I often deal with mites, which are brought in by the wild birds. Last year I started finding the dust bathing areas of the wild birds and sprinkling a bit of poultry dust in them. It seems to have worked because this has been the first year of no mites.

Enjoy his presence. He will probably move along as the season progresses.

Good luck.
That is co cool.

I had about a dozen blue scale quail that were vistiing the wild bird feeding station that was on the ground every day last summer. It was so cool to see them go from there to the chicken coops & pens after that. I haven't seen them since we had a big snow before Christmas. Hope to see them return.

We also have wild turkeys around - but they havent visited. You are so lucky !!!!!
Others have said that peafowl sometimes join up with them.
Within the last 10 days or so we've had 30 or 40 wild turkeys around here. Non have taken up with the chickens though. We use to have them all the time. Then they all went away, now they're back.

They are very intelligent birds.
I wondered if he was truly wild myself. He isn't sold white like many domesticated turkeys are. But he is so clam and friendly. I had some bread I was going to feed my chickens today and while he didn't eat it out of my hand, as soon as I put it on the ground, he walked over and ate it. It is not a problem for me to be 3 feet from him.
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I'm sure he won't live here forever, but I like him hanging around. He shows no aggression towards the chickens while they are in their run, but do you think he would if the chickens were roaming around?

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