Strictly pet chickens! Anyone??

Another pet chicken owner here -- I could never eat them. Our long-time vet happens to specialize in birds so I know I can get good veterinary care for them should they ever need it.

I've wanted chickens for years, primarily as pets and garden companions. Now we finally have five though they're still young yet. We have an organic veggie garden and I'm looking forward to having them out there with us. Daughter and I are vegetarian and only eat eggs occasionally so they're a benefit, but not high on the list. My husband, OTOH, is very much looking forward to fresh eggs.

One person in this thread asked what suburban chicken owners would do if they didn't have the space to purchase more chickens once their original flock stopped laying. We've been buying eggs for a couple years now from other friends with chickens. If it ever gets to a point where we can't add younger birds I guess we'll just buy eggs from friends again. Better to support them in their chicken habit than factory farming, not to mention better quality food for us, too.
Here I am!!!
Another person just exactly like you, just keep all my chickens as pets, and to keep them until something unfortunate should happen! And it does occasionally at which time I cry my eyes out, some have gotten more tears than others but I love all of my chickens!
I, too, am a pet chicken owner. I can't imagine eating anything that I have looked lovingly into its eyes. But I don't have a problem with anyone else eating chickens or any other kinds of meat. It is just not for me.

I got my chickens because I am facinated with any species of animal and my husband thought eggs were a good idea.

I'm interested in having a variety of breeds because I like to look at them and there are too many to have to chose. I don't plan on producing hoards of mixed breed chickens that have no value to anyone any more than I would breed my dogs or cats.

I'm glad I found this board - I've learned a ton and I enjoy the variety of opinons and knowledge!
I will keep mine as pets. as a child I had an amazing coop that was at the property that we owned. it had 7 smaller coops so i had three coops as egg production, 3 coops for breeding and told dad that he could use the other one for meat chickens and put up screens so m guys would not get depressed seeing the ones that where doomed, none of the ones that I breed ever went into the meat coop they where all dads
YES!!! I'm not the only one! >>>>pets here<<<< there just sooo cute da widdle tings! I have been vegan for about 2 &1/2 years now and never like preparing dinners (you know cutting the skin and fat off the meat) YUK it was just discusting! So now that i realize I can live (quite healthier too, I might add) on a plant based diet, i could never look at a chicken as a meal ever again! Yay! go herbavors!!! LOL!
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This is an interesting question, so I hope you don't mind my sharing my thoughts, even though I may not entirely be a fellow traveler.

I never had a pet or wanted one. I got my chickens as livestock - for eggs, manure for the garden, and to help keep the insect population down. They were meant to be part of an organic backyard food production system.

HOWEVER, I'm growing fond of them. Also, in an effort to get my grandchildren involved, I allowed them to name the chickens. What would I say to them now if I decided to cull one that is no longer a productive layer???

On the other hand, we live in a city and are allowed to have only four. If I keep all the non-productive layers, how will I achieve my original goal of getting healthy eggs?

It's a quandary... Probably I would try to re-home them. I've heard that some people do that - that there are people who like to keep them just for pets and not worry about eggs.

So I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

This has to be the most chicken-friendly, non-utilitarian place I have seen. I can't imagine that you'd find anywhere better. Frankly, I was kind of surprised to find so many people who treat them as beloved pets. Have you seen the "you're a crazy chicken person if" thread? Some of those people admit to putting a sick chicken in bed with them!

I'll reserve my opinion of that - so I don't get kicked off this board. From my perspective, this is a very polite site - almost too polite. Sometimes it seems like even respectful disagreement or questioning is discouraged.

Anyway - back to your point. I think you'll find plenty of fellow travelers here. Best to you and your chickens!

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Our flock are pets...the eggs are a bonus! They repay the love and care we give them with eggs, garden poop, and just plain silliness. If they cant lay, its ok ....its not an important part of having them around to us

When they are sick, we try to help them better and take them to our vet.... if it is their time to go, we help them. Just like we do for our other animals. I stand by the creedo of this : When I accept an animal into my life, I make a promise to it and to me that I will do the best that I can do for it, including healthy food, clean water, sanitary droppings area such as it can be, vet visits/shots, and a peaceful death when the time comes. Its part of being a responsible pet owner, and I have always lived by it.

However, that being said...I would LOVE to have some meat chickens etc. My husband tho has issues differentiating between the chickens as pets and chickens as food
I however think that people today need to know where their food comes from... they have lost touch with that and as such they cant appreciate it as much. Take that as you will, I know others wil see it differently and thats ok

I was raised on a farm so it isnt that hard to deal with for me...but for him being a city boy, we wont be having any meat chickens anytime soon
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