Struggling A Little with Sizing of Coop

looks like 6 months from now it might be gone? Anything I can do to prevent this or is it inevitable? Do I need to do anything now to prevent this?
Probably sooner...pretty much inevitable.
You could throw down some grazing frames....or start adding carbons(a good mix of size and shapes of dried plant matter) to 'eat' up the poops and make a place for bugs to live for the chickens to harvest.

Kenny, chickens graze on a lot of the green stuff. There are some plants they won't eat but they scratch a lot too. They can dig these up. You don't have to have a totally bare area, some of us don't, but there are a few considerations.

One is chicken density. The more chickens you have in a certain space the more likely it is to be totally bare. If you want to keep at least parts of the area green, either reduce the number of chickens or give them steady access to a larger area.

There is no square foot rule for how much area one chicken needs in spite of what you might read on here sometimes. How much you need is going to depend on the type of forage growing there and your climate. The time of year has a big effect too. For a lot of us stuff will not grow during the winter but they will still forage on the dead grass. In the heat of summer the grass dries up and turns brown for some of us. When the grass starts to sprout again, assuming they have not dug it up with their scratching, they really love to eat those tender sprouts. They can do serious damage then by not letting it get reestablished.

Since they prefer certain plants they might eat out the good ones and leave the bad ones. I have to mow my area a few times each year to knock down the bad plants and keep them form crowding out the good ones.

Another aspect is manure, which relates to chicken density. Chickens poop a lot and that poop is hot. It can kill plants if it gets too built up. Also the chickens compact the ground just by walking on it so it can get too tightly packed for things to grow.

With their scratching and dust bathing they can dig up anything that tries to grow. They are going to dig holes somewhere for dust bathing.

Those grazing frames Aart mentioned can keep some green stuff for them to eat, but that will not keep the entire run green. Another option is to build a tractor and move them very often before they totally destroy the area. That is a lot of work and you have to have enough area for it to recover before you need it again.

The bottom line is that unless you have a tremendously larger area than most people on this forum can give to the chickens, the run will become bare. That's just a fact of life for most of us.

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