Stubborn Broody!

Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
I searched all the posts for an answer to situation like this, but didn't find anything new, so here I am again seeking expert advice.

My Brahma, Aster, went broody for the first time 2 weeks ago. She's almost 3 years old. After she didn't come out of the nest box for a day, I put her in broody jail (elevated dog crate with wire floor and no bedding, etc.).

After a few days, she seemed to be normal - pupils not super dilated, no more angry "ticking, and whatnot. So I let her out for a little bit and watched her. She ran out into the yard, took a quick dust bath, and made a bee line for the nest box. Back into broody jail she went. I raised the crate higher and put a frozen 2-liter under the crate.

She's STILL at it after another week. She eats ok sonetimes, but she's very thin - her breastbone is very pronounced, as and her underside is bare where she's plucked herself. I trimmed her nails and beak, but she's ANGRY and pecks me. Hard. Ow.

Any ideas? I'm worried she won't break. I don't want chicks right now because I don't feel like I have the room.

Should I bring her inside? Is being out there with her sisters affecting her hormones?
Show us your broody breaker?
Has she been broody before?
Is it hot where you are right now?
Wetting her undercarriage might help, in cool not COLD water.

I like to let them out late in the day, and close off the nests.
Here's the set up, minus the frozen 2-liter (it's refreezing). The crate is up on pavers at the corners.

It's pretty warm here (90s). That's why I used the ice under the cage.

There's a board over it because she was climbing out through the holes to get to the nest!

Dunked the poor biddy. She was not happy with me. I stuck her back in the crate. Let her out this morning to see what she'd do. Went out in the yard. Took a dust bath. Got some water. Went back in a nest box. UGH.
And, no, she's not been broody before. I gave had 1 other hen go broody once a couple of years ago (other than my Silkies, who are perpetually broody but seem to manage it better).
Got any 1x2 cage mesh?
Might want to stick a length of 2x4 in there to give her feet a break from the wire floor.
When it's really hot I put them in a crate in the shaded part of the run for the hottest part of the day. One year it was so hot I had to move the crate to the shadiest part of the yard a couple times a day.
If all else fails, bring her inside your home or an insulated garage to increase the disruption (changing her environment) plus to drop her temperatures a bit, since it's likely more cool in the house than in the coop.
I am at my wits' end, I tell you what. The coop us air conditioned, so it's actually cooler in there than inhere at the moment. I have it cranked up in the coop! But I may bring her in tonight just to get her away from the others, esp my Silkie, who is also broody. Gahhh!

If I can't get her to stop, I'll just get a couple of chicks and stick them under her. Not my first choice, but I have the room. Just need to make sure I get pullets. Don't want any more roosters, thank you very much.

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