

In the Brooder
May 4, 2020
Is this baby stuck? This is only the second to hatch. The other did not hatch like this.


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Has it been trying to push itself out but is unable to? If yes, I would gently pull its head free from the egg. It will do the rest.
Has it been trying to push itself out but is unable to? If yes, I would gently pull its head free from the egg. It will do the rest.
The other duckling rolled it over and helped it out. Ok I’m very new to incubating. This is super gross but is this normal? Other one did not have this either. Also, I only have other eggs that have pipped. Should I take the other two out before they progress more?


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It's okay to help but do not remove the duckling from the shell until it absorbs the yolk.

Okay, I know you can't see the yolk if you haven't removed the shell. As the yolk is absorbed the duckling will get a series of energy bursts to help it finish hatching. You can remove up to about half the shell and pull back some of the membranes and goo (sorry to be so technical) as long as you don't start any big bleeding. The duckling needs the shell to protect the yolk before it's absorbed. Sometimes this can take hours.

This is a snowy Hookbill. It took eleven hours from the point where I started helping to hatch.

As you put each new one into the brooder you will see the older ones clean up the newest one. Looks a little rough to people, but it's a duck thing and it works for them.


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This duckling seemed fine after breaking through the shell in that position. As she ( I say she bc they’re welsh harlequins and beak looks pink) dried I noticed she’s looking straight up. It keeps her from standing but she is still very lively. What can I do? The feed store I went to only had non medicated chick starter with 18% protein and I have not been able to locate any growers yeast. I have one of those electrolyte powders but have not given any yet.
This duckling seemed fine after breaking through the shell in that position. As she ( I say she bc they’re welsh harlequins and beak looks pink) dried I noticed she’s looking straight up. It keeps her from standing but she is still very lively. What can I do? The feed store I went to only had non medicated chick starter with 18% protein and I have not been able to locate any growers yeast. I have one of those electrolyte powders but have not given any yet.

Can you post a picture? Sounds like it may be 'stargazing' - it could have hatched with a Vitamin E deficiency. To correct that, she would of course need supplemental Vitamin E. If you can buy some and give it to her, it may help. Improvement can take weeks sometimes, though.

Also, you definitely want to order some Brewer's Yeast or other form of niacin to add to their food, to make sure they don't end up with leg issues from a niacin deficiency.
Can you post a picture? Sounds like it may be 'stargazing' - it could have hatched with a Vitamin E deficiency. To correct that, she would of course need supplemental Vitamin E. If you can buy some and give it to her, it may help. Improvement can take weeks sometimes, though.

Also, you definitely want to order some Brewer's Yeast or other form of niacin to add to their food, to make sure they don't end up with leg issues from a niacin deficiency.
I finally found some brewers yeast at a vitamin store. I have been giving an electrolyte mix and she seems improved already. Would those vitamin e capsules for human consumption work? Just to break open? If so, how much do I give her?


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