Stumped by a Cochin!


9 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Southwest Virginia
I have these Cochin chicks that are almost 3 weeks old. I used to pride myself in knowing genders from 2-3 weeks, but it’s been a while. Years since I’ve owned chickens. So this “guy”, a splash cochin, is really making me question everything. Here it is as opposed to its male and female counterparts. I’ve been leaning rooster, but compared to the second one pictured, it doesn’t quite match. Opposed to the third one pictured, rooster, no doubt. Any help? Rooster right? It’s a rooster 🤦‍♀️

The one in question…..

The rooster….


The pullet….
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No problem! I love trying to tell genders! Silkies are HARD, but other than them, it's so much fun!
I’ve never been good with Silkies. My first ones I thought were a rooster and a hen. One day my hen crowed 😂 I was devastated! It was so obvious by that age too, before the crow, but I guess I had my blinders on lol. I have 4 now just a bit younger than the Cochins 😅 I just need 1 hen. Just 1! 🤞

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