Stupid Goat, Emergency?

Sometimes does will simply reject a kid. Usually, but not always, this happens if there are more than two babies. I once had a doe that had two kids, a buck and a doe, and for some reason she took an instant dislike to the doe kid. She did clean the kid up, but that was it. She would pick the kid up by the ear and throw it as far as she could. There was nothing wrong with this kid. I bottle raised her and she grew up to be one of my best milkers. I had a friend who raised a lot of goats and left the kids on the does. The goats were out on pasture but she kept a close eye on the mothers and babies. When she saw that a kid was being rejected she would bring it in and bottle raise it. Bottle raising kids is not all that hard. Use milk, not replacer. After they were a week or so old, I fed them twice a day. However, I had a commercial dairy, so my time was at a premium. Also, I had full sized dairy goats. I don't know if that makes a difference. You can set up a little pen. If it is cold, hang a heat lamp. You can also put a cardboard box on its side so the kid can crawl in to help keep warm. Personally, I think letting a kid die simply because the doe rejected it is unacceptable. If you have the kid in the house, and in this weather that would probably be best, you can use disposable baby diapers. The diapers go a long way toward keeping the baby dry.
I've got 3 kids.
One isn't doing so well.
I've already tried a few interventions but something seems off with it. Treading line of nature vs nurture.
I am sure it has no relation to her seed snack. She does have some funky smelling burps though.
When mine had triplets, one also was not doing well, we brought her inside fed and kept her away from the ruckus, seemed to be doing better put her back outside, but unfortunately she still died. I believe it's nature getting the weak out. :( but good luck! Bottle feed if you can is my only advice.


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I don't mean to joke because I know nothing about goats, but I just imagined a pregnant lady with a strong craving for ice cream!
Best of luck with the new babies! Hope the one not doing well just needs a little extra recovery time. Hard work being born!
As for the ice cream, I once knew a lady who raised dogs. I forget what breed, but she would give the new mothers a dish of vanilla ice cream right after they finished whelping. Some authorities don't think the ice cream is a good idea, but the dogs really liked it and it didn't seem to hurt them any. I used to give my dairy goats a bucket of very warm (almost hot) water with molasses in it right after they finished kidding. They were always very thirsty then and the molasses was for energy.

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