Styrofoam Vs Paper egg cartons???

sure but for 99 cents I never have to repeat it again. Or throw them away. A never ending supply that only needs a little soap and water
I was just going to post a thread similar to this - but I was going to ask about how the hatches are using the cartons? Is it easier for them to hatch out? Do the cartons get in the way when they're moving around? I'm tempted to try this once and see how it works!
My view on that is : If you incubate in rotating egg trays, then hatch in trays. If you incubate with eggs lying down on their sides, hatch with them on their sides.

If I vary this then my hatches aren't as successful. The only times I have trouble is when a chick pips too low and can't seem to get out of the egg compartment. That is very rare. Usually they just pop out.

My sides on the plastic are a bit rough but I haven't ever had a chick injure themselves on it. Whether stryrofoam or plastic or paper I like the trays.
Thanks Kathy,

Honest, you will really like the simplicity of them. Dishwasher safe and easy. I bought 5-6 and I use the whole ones when drying the eggs I sell for eating. I set them on their sides for optimal air flow. Then when they are dry I can store them for packing.

Cheap, sturdy but best of all easy and reusable. A time saver and for me that is great. Plus sanitary and I don't have to hunt down the styrafoam or buy it

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