Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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A few questions:

How often can the same member win POW?
Can ducks win POW?

sorry, I don't know where else to post this.
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Roopert! I love this rooster...I got him from a nearby chicken lover with too many roos approximately two months ago maybe now? He talks up a storm, begs to be picked up, and is in love with me.

He'll jump over the electrified poultry netting (even with his wings clipped) to run to our back door, and bring me treats. He will crow and peck on the door until I come outside, pick him up for cuddles, and put him back in with the other birds. I know he's not a perfect show quality Ameraucana, but I really do love his personality and gentle demeanor.
We have an ornamental cherry in the yard. My 9 now 3 year old hens have always loved the cherries when they get ripe in the fall. I've seen lots of pictures of people's chickens in trees but none of mine ever fly into the tree. I even put one of the Cubalayas on a low branch (so low that the chickens can jump and get cherries off the far end) but she flew right back down.

I got 7 chicks in June. 3 EEs, 2 White Rocks and 2 Black Australorps (which Meyer messed up on and sent Black Jersey Giants). The cherries are ripe, the birds beeline to the tree daily. Here is a picture of Yuki, a WR pullet, in the tree. She put herself there and Eos, one of the EEs followed. None of the other birds have gone up into the tree, they just wait underneath for drops.

You will have to excuse the "fuzzy" in the center of the pictures, my camera lens has some scratches.

This is my hen 'Blue'. She is a Black Australorp. I bought the 'girls' from a Wilson feed store in Napa on April 2nd, 2015. I purchased 6 chicks; 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Black Australorp. The other black chicken grew at an fast rate and began to crow. Sadly, he was re-homed. I chose the Buff Orpingtons because I red a lot about them. In my experience, they are hard to catch, but still a nice hen and pretty true to description on this site. I owned Rhode Island Reds in the past and they were very sweet hens. I chose the Black Australorp for their beauty! After getting the hens, The Reds became the favorites for the docile disposition and ease of handling. However, now the rooster is gone, one of my Reds have become alpha and she pecks my toes and calves regularly. She will ambush me. I guess what I'm saying is 'Blue' has grown to be the favorite chicken for both her disposition, nice big eggs and her beauty. When I garden in my yard, I will scoop up the girls and bring them with me. I always unearth some goodies for them; veggies or bugs. They are such nice companions.
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