Suburban chicks!


In the Brooder
May 20, 2020
My chicks are about 4 and a half weeks old I think, give or take a couple days. One EE and two mystery chicks (maybe white rocks?). I live in a suburban neighborhood so, since Im not worried about predators, I let them roam around outside for most of the day and they automatically go back into their brooder in the garage around sundown. They love being outdoors and they know when its time to go back in. I live in the Metro Detroit area and the weather is consistently warm now, so Im going to build a little coop for them and start keeping them outdoors for good.

Pretty little birds!

Just a word of caution though...there are predators in suburban areas (dogs, raccoons, opossums, etc.) Even cats will attack young chickens. And there are things that fly overhead too.
Pretty little birds!

Just a word of caution though...there are predators in suburban areas (dogs, raccoons, opossums, etc.) Even cats will attack young chickens. And there are things that fly overhead too.

Thanks for the heads up! I've kept that in mind. I'm always able to keep an eye on them in the day and bring them back indoors at night. For the most part, they stick around to using the evergreen trees and shrubbery for cover when they get spooked. When I build their coop and run, I'll make sure to build it in a way that those animals can't easily get in, over, or under

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