Such a blessing!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Our horrid summer has come to an end. We are now having a typical SW Arkansas fall, with temps. in the 80s during the day and slipping down to the 50s at night.

I am so happy when I go out to check on my chickens now. No more crowding up under the misters and hoses, looking half dead for them. No more loud breathing coming from the coops at night, as they try to stay cool.

Out checking on them just now I find the chickens everywhere. The have scattered out over approx. 5 acres immediately surrounding the house; in groups of twos and threes. Running here and there, being CHICKENS!

I am so glad that summer is over and I don't have go to bed each night wondering how many chickens I'll find dead the next day.
Isn't it great to be able to open the window at night and go to sleep! It was downright cool this morning.
That's great Grits! It's not here yet but I'm hoping for the weekend to cool down!
Yes, I get so sick of that stale smell the house gets with all the windows closed tight and the A/C running non-stop. Not to mention the $200 electric bills.
Glad you finally cooled down.

Course your fall weather would be hot summer weather here. We are looking at a possible indian summer. Supposed to get into the 90s the next couple days.

Imp- so is it safe to assume there will be no further wardrobe malfunctions?

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