Sudden flock deaths…HELP!!


Jul 24, 2019
Asking for my neighbor- he’s had two seemingly healthy chickens with no obvious signs of sickness pass away within a week of each other. They are ameraucana’s. Could it be heat related? What illnesses can go undetected? And what should he be doing? Thanks!
If you are worried about temperature what was it? Shade available? Access to water? It's been hot where I am and have seen signs of heat exhaustion but in other parts of the country it has been significantly warmer so depending on location heat could be factor.
Ameraucanas are mutts. That's not a breed, or even an agreed hybrid. Unlike (for instance) the CornishX or the Golden Comet, they aren't famed for particular health issues.

Sure, it *could* be heat stress. But heat stress has symptoms - some of which match some symptoms of common chicken diseases. Claiming "no symptoms" isn't remotely helpful in answering the question posed, it just means the symptoms were most likely missed. Lethargy? Reduced Appetite? How were the poops? How were the wings held? Digging behaviors? Panting?

Ages? Diet? Where are you (and he), such that we can consider the climate? How much space do they have? Ventilation?

Too many possibilities, not enough info to armchair ER.
Ameraucanas are mutts. That's not a breed, or even an agreed hybrid. Unlike (for instance) the CornishX or the Golden Comet, they aren't famed for particular health issues.

Sure, it *could* be heat stress. But heat stress has symptoms - some of which match some symptoms of common chicken diseases. Claiming "no symptoms" isn't remotely helpful in answering the question posed, it just means the symptoms were most likely missed. Lethargy? Reduced Appetite? How were the poops? How were the wings held? Digging behaviors? Panting?

Ages? Diet? Where are you (and he), such that we can consider the climate? How much space do they have? Ventilation?

Too many possibilities, not enough info to armchair ER.
Ameraucana, is a breed with a standard.

Americana is an Easter Egger, also spelled Ameracana, occasionally. These are mutts.
Asking for my neighbor- he’s had two seemingly healthy chickens with no obvious signs of sickness pass away within a week of each other. They are ameraucana’s. Could it be heat related? What illnesses can go undetected? And what should he be doing? Thanks!
How hot has it been?

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